Everett’s assignments out. Service Trusts in.

Everett’s assignments do not work. Instead, consider a Service Trust to overcome the Personal Service Income rules. Escape Personal Service Income rules (PSI) with a Service Trust Agreement Because of Personal Service Income rules (PSI) it is hard for professionals...

Extend the vesting date of my trust? Why must my Family Trust end?

How to Extend the Vesting Date of a Family Trust in Australia Most Australian trusts, at some point, must vest. The trust must end after 80 years. This is based on ancient English law. The government does not want a trust to go on forever. This is because it may end...

Can your mistress challenge your Will

  The songwriter Richard Clapton, in 1975, warned: Girls on the avenue, they’re trying to get you in, Strolling by with their rosebud smiles. Sadly, Mr Sha didn’t heed such advice. While living with his wife, in Melbourne, Mr Sha engaged the services...

How to Build a Div 7A when the borrower is a Family Trust

  Need a Division 7A when the Family Trust lends money to a bucket company? You distribute Family Trust income to your children and spouse. As much as you can. But you run out of family members on a low marginal tax rates. The Family Trust then distributes the...