
Build these Employment Documents online Price
Independent Contractor Agreement – avoid PSI, helps prove no ’employment’ relationship $448
Service Trust Agreement – the glue between the professional & the service trust $448
Employment Contract – never needs updating, compliant with all Awards $319
Non-Disclosure Agreement for Potential Employee $312
Workplace Policiesin MS Word, you can amend each Policy to suit your workplace, this includes: Absenteeism Workplace Policy, Acceptable IT Use Workplace Policy, Drug and Alcohol Workplace Policy, Harassment and Workplace Bullying Policy, Social Media Workplace Policy, Work From Home Workplace Policy and Mandatory Vaccination Workplace Policy $440

Employers have no rights

The government has a multitude of employment rules and awards designed for one purpose – to protect the employee.

Fight back with our Employment Contract.Employer and employee contracts
  • Build an Australian-wide complaint Legal Consolidated employment contract:
    • always subservient to mandatory employment laws
    • therefore, never out of date
    • easily amended by an exchange of emails between you and your employee
    • continues to operate if your employee moves to another state

Start building the Employment Contract for free. Read all the free hints. Learn and educate yourself

Independent Contractor Agreement vs Employment Contract

What is an Independent Contractor Agreement?

Start building the Independent Contractor Agreement for free to see how a ‘contract for services’ works:

  • The Principal requests and pays for the services.
  • The person providing the services is the Contractor.

The Principal operates a business. The Contractor operates a different business. A contract for services is not an employment relationship. The Contractor is ‘independent’ as the contractor is not an employee of the Principal.

Employees have guaranteed employment rights. These include paid annual leave, sick leave, long service leave and superannuation contributions. An employer directs when the employee comes to work and the location of the work. There is a great deal of control and direction provided by an employer.

In contrast, Independent Contractors operate their own businesses. Contractors set their own fees and working conditions. Contractors may take work from other Principals (clients). Read more…

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