Asset Protection strategies

Asset protection is a philosophy and way of life Asset protection is a lifetime pursuit. Asset protection is an ongoing journey. If you are truly ready to start the journey your life changes. Everything you do is tested against the best practice of asset protection....

The most tax effective Business Structures

I want to run a business. What is the best business structure? These are the building blocks of a business structure:  company – in trade in its own right company – as trustee of a family trust company – as trustee of a unit trust family trust...

Estate Planning Manual – avoid the 4 Australian Death Taxes

Every year, Australian taxpayers voluntarily pay the Tax Office millions of dollars in “Death Taxes”. Are you going to be one of them? Proper Estate Planning ensures that your estate goes to those you care about and not the Tax Man. 3-Generation Testamentary Trusts...

SMSF Joint Tenants vs Tenants in Common

SMSF Joint Tenants vs Tenants in Common – Which is better? Question: SMSF Joint Tenants vs Tenants in Common is a common discussion. I agree that Joint Tenancy is generally dangerous because of the CGT regime as per your previous PRUDENCE (2nd Edition)...