Is a POA revoked when you separate or divorce? Divorce and marriage generally ends your Will. However, separation does not affect an existing Enduring or Lifestyle POA. Does the Power of Attorney appoint your ex-spouse as your attorney? While QLD and the ACT have...
Dangers of a Hotchpot Clause in a Will – Re CosierDeceased Estate Equalisation in Wills are bad We want to treat our children equally. In our Wills, we put in an Equalisation clause. Or we put a Hotchpot clause in our Will. But neither an Equalisation...
Getting married, divorced or defactos – does it affect your Will? Usually, marriage revokes your Will. Marriage cancels, nullifies and destroys your current Will. Therefore, if you die as you leave the church you die without a valid Will. You are intestate. In...
Can a Trustee delegate its authority? Can a POA act on the trustee’s behalf? A human Trustee can not outsource the job of being a trustee to another person. Even if that other human holds a Power of Attorney for the Trustee. The position is different for a...
Bankruptcy Trust in Wills Bankruptcy Trusts in Wills to protect spouses, children & beneficiaries The Bankruptcy Trust protects your beneficiaries if they go bankrupt before or after your death. When you die you give your assets to your spouse and children. But...
Since 2018, thanks to significant advocacy efforts by the Financial Advice Association Australia and Legal Consolidated, financial planners have been empowered to act as authorised witnesses for Commonwealth statutory declarations and Powers of Attorney (POAs)...
Journal entries and Book entries do not work: ATO Commonly Dad borrows money cheaper than his trust. In this recent case, Dad borrows money from the CBA and gives it to his trust. Everything goes wrong. In Chadbourne v FCT [2020] AATA 2441: the taxpayer, Mr...