Who owns my company at death? At death, your shares go into your Will. Your shares are part of your assets. Your executor in your Will looks after the shares and the company. The executor does this in the best interest of the beneficiaries named in your Will. The...
Company Constitution vs Replaceable Rules? Which is better. Either can govern your company. Your company must have a set of rules. The rules are either in: a Constitution – document that you get when you build your Company; or failing that Replacement Rules –...
QUESTION: I am building an Employment Contract for my employee. She’s been with me for 6-years (hence the anxiety). I notice there’s no reference to the Award provisions under which she is employed. Does your Employment Contract override the Award provisions? Should...
Court rewrites Will to save tax – a novel remedy for crazy people Each of the States and Territories allow the making, revoking and varying of a Will. But only if you lack testamentary capacity: South Australia: section 7 Wills Act 1936 (SA) ACT: section 16A...
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