Update your family trust deed (only) – on Australia law firm website

Family Trust - Update Deed Only Book Cover
  • Family Trust - Update Deed Only

  • $512 includes GST

Why update your family trust deed

Just like your car, a Family Trust Deed needs updating and servicing. Update your family trust deed for:

  1. Streaming – franking credits, Attribution and separate accounts to reduce CGT & income tax. Complies with Thomas v FCT [2017]update your family trust deed
  2. Bamford’s Case – definition of Net Income – satisfies ATO
  3. Loss Recoupment – retain and stream losses to particular beneficiaries
  4. Appointors to act unanimously – so two Appointors cannot take the assets over the 3rd Appointor
  5. Bank loans to the Family Trust – the required bank clauses and Indemnity rights (CBA, St. George, NAB, ANZ, BankWest, AMP, QLD, Macquarie, Citibank, ING, Bendigo, BankOne, & Westpac)
  6. Bank loan Compliance Certificate on our law firm’s letterhead

This update only updates your Family Trust Deed

If you also need to also change the Appointors, Back-up Appointors or trustee. Then, instead, build this document:

What categories are required for Bamford streaming for a Family Trust?

Have a look at our ‘Sample document’ above. We have developed a unique group of categories with open classes for streaming. This list is based on the ATO audits we have attended and our legal research.

Categories a category, character, type, class, part, item or source, including (but not limited to) the categories: Net Capital Gains, Net Capital Losses; gains, profits or any losses of capital or of a capital nature treated as assessable income or allowable deductions under the Tax Act for the Trust Income for any Financial Year; gains and profits or any losses of capital or of a capital nature that are not treated as assessable income or allowable deductions for taxation purposes for the Trust Income for any Financial Year; any income, receipts, gains or profits or any losses, disbursements or outgoings of income or on income account that are or are treated as assessable income or allowable deductions for taxation purposes in relation to the Trust Income for any Financial Year; any income, receipts, gains or profits or any losses, disbursements or outgoings of income or on income account whether treated as assessable income or allowable deductions for taxation purposes for any Financial Year; any income, receipts, gains or profits that are exempt or otherwise not liable to tax under the Tax Act or any other act or regulation; Franked Dividends; Unfranked Dividends; any foreign income, foreign income tax credit, other tax credit, interest; any royalties, minors and others with proceeds from deceased estates, superannuation funds and life insurance and additional categories set out in any minutes

  • Plus, categories mentioned in any Australian Taxation Office publication, from time to time; and
  • any combination or part of the above

Unsure whether your Family Trust Deed needs updating? Speak to your Accountant or Financial Planner.

How to update your family trust deed:

  1. See the full free Sample including our cover letter of advice.
  2. Read the hints and watch the training videos.
  3. Answer the questions.
  4. Check the Summary. Telephone us if you need help.
  5. Put in your credit card details.

Within seconds, the completed documents appear on your screen and are emailed to you – ready to sign.

Update your family trust deed and get:

  • Letter of Advice explaining the updates, on our law firm’s letterhead and for your accountant’s due diligence file. Confirms no ‘resettlement’ under Commercial NomineesClark’s Case  [2011] FCAFC 5 and Taxation Determination TD 2012/21
  • Trust Deed Update for your Trust Deed
  • Compliant Resolutions by way of Minutes
  • Bank Opinion Certificate on our law firm’s letterhead. Required by banks when your Family Trust borrows money

See also

Business Structure update Toolkit (to help with tax and asset protection)

Cleaning up old Family trust deeds
Cleaning up old Unit Trusts
Fixing up old partnerships and companies
Independent Contractors Agreements and Service trusts